Following overwhelming number of requests, Delta Dental of Minnesota to donate toothbrushes and toothpaste to more than 100 nonprofits
Delta Dental of Minnesota

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June 25th, 2017

Following overwhelming number of requests, Delta Dental of Minnesota to donate toothbrushes and toothpaste to more than 100 nonprofits

The company will give 4x what it originally planned for National Smile Month

MINNEAPOLIS – When Delta Dental of Minnesota asked the public to nominate their favorite Minnesota or North Dakota nonprofits to receive up to 1,000 free toothbrushes and tubes of toothpaste as part of its Inspiring Smile Power initiative in June, the company thought it would be lucky to receive even 50 requests. The company had planned to donate up 1,000 toothbrushes to 22 nonprofits throughout June.

But then the nominations came pouring in.

After receiving more than 200 submissions, Delta Dental of Minnesota today announced it will donate the full amounts of requested toothbrushes and toothpaste to every nonprofit organization nominated. Today, a total of nearly 88,000 toothbrushes and tubes of toothpaste are making their way to 121 organizations that work to strengthen their communities across Minnesota and North Dakota.

“We had a happy problem. The number of donations we received far exceeded our expectations,” said Rod Young, CEO and President of Delta Dental of Minnesota. “More than that, it seemed like every organization we reviewed was worthy of, and in need of, the donations. In the end, it became too hard to narrow down the applicants.”

Last month, Delta Dental of Minnesota announced its Inspiring Smile Power Initiative to celebrate June as National Smile Month. The initiative’s intent was to support and recognize organizations that inspire smiles across Minnesota and North Dakota by donating up to 1,000 toothbrushes and tubes of toothpaste every weekday in June to deserving nonprofits.

“This overwhelming response suggests that our community leaders truly value the organizations which, through oral health, work to strengthen neighborhoods in every corner of the state, and we are proud to be a part of that,” said Young.

With today’s announcement, the following organizations will receive their requested amounts of toothbrushes and toothpaste: