Proudly serving our Allina Health Members
- Manage your account
- View your benefits information
- Check your claims
- Order replacement ID cards
- And more!!
Access My Secure Portal
Welcome to Delta Dental of Minnesota's website created just for Allina Health employees and family members. This site is your source for up-to-date information about your dental plan.
ID Cards
Your identification (ID) card lets your dentist know that you're a Delta Dental of Minnesota member. This information is important to communicate when receiving services. You should be prepared to show your ID card to your dentist at every visit.
Note: Your ID card does not guarantee eligibility for services. It is an information tool to be used by you and your dentist. Dentist verification and benefit predetermination are still required.
Claims Submission
Although in-network dentists will submit your claims for you, you may need to submit claims directly to Delta Dental if you visit an out-of-network dentist.
Claim forms can be mailed to:
Delta Dental of Minnesota P.O. Box 330 Minneapolis, MN 55440-0330
Oral Health Resources
Did you know the health of your teeth, gums and mouth are connected to your overall health? In fact, 120 medical conditions can be detected by signs and symptoms in your mouth. Learn more about how your oral health is connected to your overall health. Also, take advantage of our Dental 101 page to fully understand your dental benefits and dental terms.
Member Portal
With Delta Dental's Member Portal, you can verify eligibility and check plan information, plan maximums and specific dollar amounts used for the benefit year. The Portal also provides you with information including claims history, procedure detail, deductibles applied, amounts owed by you and paid by Delta Dental, and claim status. Log in to your account at the top of this page.
Find a Dentist
Access our Find a Dentist feature by clicking the "Find a Dentist" box at the top of this page. Note: Your dental plan includes the Delta Dental PPOSM and Delta Dental Premier® networks. Plan payments will be the highest (and your payment responsibility the lowest) when you choose a dentist in the Delta Dental PPO network. The DeltaCare and Delta Dental Patient Direct options on the online dentist search do not apply to Allina Health.
Assess Your Oral Health
Wouldn’t it be nice to know if you were at risk for oral disease before it became a problem? MyDentalScore is free oral health assessment that will provide you with your dental score. Take the assessment today!
Connect With Us
Access the latest in oral health information and Delta Dental news by viewing Delta Dental of Minnesota’s blog or by connecting with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube. Click on the social media icons at the bottom of this page to get started!
Summary Plan Descriptions
For details about your dental plan or coverage levels, please refer to your Summary Plan Description (SPD). You may access an electronic SPD on MyAllina, or request a printed copy by contacting the Allina Health HR Service Center at 612-262-4688 or toll free at 1-877-992-8099.
Contact Us
Have questions? To reach Delta Dental for more information, please call us at 1-800-453-9912.
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Anesthesia in dentistry - explained
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