Smiles at school videos

Smiles@School Videos

Join Riley in learning about oral health.

How to keep your smile healthy

Meet Riley, our Smiles@School classmate, and learn how to take care of your teeth along with her!

The basics of brushing and flossing

Brushing and flossing should be part of your every-day routine. But it can be tricky. Be sure to ask an adult if you need help!

Keep cavities away

Both good germs and bad germs live in your mouth. Bad germs and sugar work together and can cause cavities. It’s important to brush and floss every day in order to stop cavities in your mouth!

Your teeth grow with you

Losing your teeth is a normal part of growing up. It’s important to take care of your baby teeth and your adult teeth, too!

Water is the way to go

Drinking water helps your mouth stay clean! Water can wash away sugar and leftover food from your teeth and also helps keep you hydrated.